Announcements and Updates
June 30, 2023: NYSACAC Response to Supreme Court Ruling
Yesterday morning, the United States Supreme Court issued a ruling against Harvard and UNC’s use of race in college admission decisions, stating that they violated the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause. Although this decision was expected, it is disappointing and disheartening, following decades of work and initiatives to create increasingly diverse campus communities within the legal landscape of affirmative action. The ability to consider race in admission was an opportunity to address systemic barriers faced by underrepresented communities, particularly those that had historically been disadvantaged as a result of their racial or ethnic background.
We believe all students benefit when they live and learn with people from different backgrounds and identities from their own. As we consider how to move forward in this changing landscape, NYSACAC can be a leader in ensuring that we continue to create equitable pathways for all students. We can use our collective experience and creativity to advocate for policies and practices that ensure every student has the ability to thrive in higher education... Read full letter here.
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The Postsecondary Value Commission brought together higher education experts and national leaders to examine, explore, and define the value of postsecondary education in the U.S.
Read the reports here.
**Instructions on New or Renewal NYSACAC Membership**
NYSACAC'S membership cycle begins on September 1 and ends on August 31 of the calendar year.